What is traditional Acupuncture
Traditional Acupuncture involves the very gentle insertion of very fine, sterile and smooth needles at specific points located along the body’s meridians. The theory is to clear energy blockages and encourage the normal flow of energy through the body.
How does it work?
The effectiveness of acupuncture is still a myth that biomedical researchers all over the word are still working hard to dig out its mechanism.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, a network of channels (some times called meridians) connects all parts of the body. This network forms a system regulates the all the body functions such as organ functions or defending pathogens. There are 361 acupuncture points has been identified and standardized by WHO (World Health Organization ).
Our Acupuncturist are experienced in choosing these points( according to your symptoms) and stimulate them by using either needles or other methods.
Does Acupuncture hurt?
Acupuncture is usually pain-free. Some people may feel a slightly dull ache, warmth, itchiness or a heaviness sensation, which are normal and is called a “get energy” reaction from acupuncture.
How about hygiene?
Acupuncture needles are single-use, sterile and pre-packaged. It is illegal to re-use
acupuncture needles.
We follow the strict regulations from the Australian Chinese Medicine Registration Board, which state that Acupuncture needles are single-use only.
After treatment, Acupuncture needles are disposed of in a medical sharps waste container.
All the needles that we provided to clients are premium quality.